Archived News

  • New Communication Tool

    Published: December 30, 2016

    Beginning January 3, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. Essex will be implementing a new enhanced function that will affect how homeowners communicate with us through the Windmill Farms HOA website. Homeowners will click "Contact Us" and submit a web submission with their questions, concerns, or feedback. For every topic that is submitted, we have an Essex team member who will be responding in a timely manner to the homeowner regardless of the request.

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  • Amended Collection Policy

    Published: August 04, 2016

    Effective June 17, 2016, The Board of Directors chose to amend the Collection Policy for Windmill Farms HOA to include verbiage which will allow the Association to send delinquent account information for Credit Reporting. This information can be located under Section 9 on page 3 of the new policy. On August 3, 2016 every homeowner was either mailed or emailed a letter explaining the new Collection Policy as well as a copy of the Policy. Should you have any questions regarding the new Collection Policy, please email for further information. To view your account online please click on the “View My Account” tab at you will need your 7 Digit Account Number to create an account.

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  • Trash Detail

    Published: January 27, 2016

    Residents should keep trash picked up on and around their property, except in the case of new construction. We contact the builders regularly about keeping their trash picked up so we are asking for the same from the residents in Windmill Farms. The HOA does not have a service, and is not responsible, for picking up the trash on the residential streets. The HOA has contracted services to empty trash cans and pick up trash in the common areas only. We’ve been getting complaints of trash in yards and on streets – mostly in areas where there is no new construction. Please be a good neighbor and resident of Windmill Farms and help keep your community clean and neat.

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